Welcome to FOG
750 E. 88th Street, Cleveland, OH 44108 | 216-664-3103
Website Courtesy Friends of Greenhouse
Directions | Hours | Facebook

Welcome to FOG
750 E. 88th Street, Cleveland, OH 44108 | 216-664-3103
Website Courtesy Friends of Greenhouse
Directions | Hours | Facebook
March has two special birth month flowers: daffodils and jonquils. The names are often used interchangeably, but are they the same? Although both belong to the Narcissus family, they are different plants with different characteristics--especially size, color, and scent.
Daffodils, or daffs, tend to be larger than jonquils with bigger flowers that come in an assortment of colors, including white, pink, peach, bicolor, apricot, and orange. Daffs have slim, sword-tipped foliage and each stem supports a single, lightly scented flower.
Jonquil flowers are very aromatic and the plants have slender leaves that are round at the tips. They tend to be shorter than daffodils and have multiple flowers per stem. Jonquils only grow in yellow hues.
However, no matter what you call them, both flowers are a welcome sight after a long winter. They symbolize rebirth, new beginnings, joy, and hope for the future.
Jonquil (left) vs Daffodil (right)
Friends of Greenhouse (FOG) is a volunteer organization that supports the Rockefeller Park Greenhouse. FOG funds special projects and promotes awareness of the Greenhouse as an essential green space in an urban environment. Your membership dues and donations help keep Rockefeller Park Greenhouse blooming now and for future generations.
A Cleveland gem, the Rockefeller Park Greenhouse (RPG) is a City-owned botanical garden and greenhouse that is open to the public seven days a week, including weekends and holidays. RPG is situated on four acres and features a variety of specialty plant collections, seasonal floral displays, and colorful theme gardens. Admission and parking are free.
A variety of gardens and exhibits are on display at RPG throughout the year. Inside you will find tropical plants, fruit trees, orchids, and spectacular seasonal displays. Outside, according to their growing seasons, specialty gardens bloom in a delightful and sustainable greenspace.
RPG is home to the Willott Iris Garden, a beloved legacy of iris experts Tony and Dorothy Willott. The Willott Iris Garden is one of Rockefeller Park Greenhouse's signature gardens. It features many of the award winning flowers hybridized by the Willotts. Please click the button below to learn more about the Garden.
All gardens and displays are open to the public during the hours of 10:00am - 4:00pm. Enjoy your visit.
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750 East 88th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44108, United States
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